Johor City Project

It looks like the 4 city project is a go as Malaysian Department of Environment (Malaysia’s environmental watchdog group) has given the developers of the 4 city project a thumbs up to begin the project in Johor Bellewaters EC. You might recall that this is the reclamation and construction of a $222 billion project as reported in the media that was suspended last June after officials on both sides of Singapore and Malaysia raise concerns over the projects, environmental impact to the area. The development has been put on hold until recently, while environmentalists, developers, and interested parties on both sides awaited the DOE’s final decision for Bellewaters EC.

Bellewaters EC Johor City

Last Friday, it was announced by the DOE that the pores city project for Bellewaters EC has been Green Lighted and can continue moving forward.

On Wednesday country garden Pacific view (CG PV), the parent developer of the reclamation work product has stated that work will start again shortly at a slightly smaller scale of 3,425 acres the reduction slightly of over 1/5 of the original proposed plan for Bellewaters EC.

The work will continue while being very careful to monitor the environment for its effect on noise, air, water quality, and sediment and see that all proper safeguards are in place while work is continuing.

Bellewaters Sengkang

Forrest city, when completed will be a combination commercial and residential area. For man-made islands will be created in the waters between Northwest Singapore in Tanjung Kupang and Southwest Johor in Bellewaters EC.

During and at completion of the project, numerous job opportunities will be created for construction and later for maintenance and the running of the various facilities that are to be created.

CGPV Executive Director Md Othman presented this information at a news conference after the DOE’s decision was handed down.

Bellewaters EC Anchorvale Crescent

He also went on to explain that the project will put new life into the areas infrastructure by creating roads, water reclamation and power stations.

CGP is a joint venture between Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim, who is the main driving force behind Esplanda Danga and Country Garden, a Chinese property development firm.

It was also learned that the Johor state run company Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ) is also a minor partner in the consortium in Bellewaters EC.

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